EME & MW meeting Zieleniec - POLAND - 19th - 21st August 2022
60th General Meeting of the Polish VHF Clubs Association
21st Technical Meeting of UKF
Zieleniec 19–21.08.2022
Organizer: the Polish Association of UKF Clubs, radio amateurs from Kłodzko.
Organizing Committee: Jacek SP1CNV (sp1cnv@wp.pl) , Stanisław SP6GWB (sp6gwb@netgate.com.pl) , Andrzej SP6JLW (sp6jlw@wp.pl) , Jacek SP6OPN (sp6opn@wp.pl) , Tomasz SQ6QV (tomasz@salwach.pl).
Meeting place: Hotel AGAL Zieleniec, JO80EI60TJ https://agal.com.pl/
Program of the meeting
Friday 19.08.2022
15:00 – 19:00 Registration of participants
19:00 – 21:30 Dinner
21:30 – Meeting in interest groups
16:00 – 22:00 Exchange of experiences
Saturday 20.08.2022
08:00 – 09:30 Breakfast
09:30 – 09:45 Opening of the PK-UKF Association Congress – Tomasz Ciepielowski SP5CCC
09:45 – 10:00 Speech by invited guests
10:00 – 10:30 Announcement of the decision of the Awards Committee SP6LB – Piotr Skrzypczak SP2JMR
10:30 – 13:30 Departure to Gaia. Presentation of the Kladsko EME station.
13:00 – Group photo
13:30 – 14:30 AGAL lunch
14:30 – 15:15 Presentation „ABC of EME stations“ Vladimir Matej Petržilka OK1VPZ, OK1TEH
15:15 – 16:15 „Portable EME/DATV stations on 23 cm and above“ presentation – Tomasz Salwach SQ6QV
16:15 – xxxxx Work on mobile EME station (Tomasz SQ6QV)
20:00 – 22:00 Barbecue
16:00 – 23:30 Meeting in interest groups
Sunday 21.08.2022
08:00 – 09:30 Breakfast
09:30 – 12:00 Work on the EME mobile station (led by Tomasz SQ6QV)
12:00 – Lunch
10:00 – 13:00
Version with 1 overnight stay
Version A, 1 night Friday/Saturday includes: dinner on Friday, accommodation, breakfast on Saturday – 100 PLN + 10 PLN extra charge for 1 night + (grill) 55 PLN = 165 PLN/person
2. version B, 1 night Friday/Saturday includes: dinner on Friday, accommodation, breakfast on Saturday – 100 PLN + 10 PLN supplement for 1 night + (grill) 55 PLN = 165 PLN/person + 45 PLN supplement for dinner on Saturday = 210 PLN/person
3rd version C, 1 night on Saturday/Sunday: dinner on Saturday, bed and breakfast on Sunday – 100 PLN +10 PLN extra charge for 1 night + (barbecue) 55 PLN = 165 PLN/person with barbecue
4th option D (stay – Saturday/Sunday: dinner on Saturday, accommodation, breakfast on Sunday – 100 PLN +10 PLN extra for 1 night + (grill) 55 PLN = 165 PLN/person with grill, + 45 PLN extra for dinner on Sunday = 210 PLN/person
Version with accommodation for 2 nights
5th variant E, Friday/Saturday/Sunday with barbecue on Saturday, includes dinner, accommodation on Friday evening, breakfast on Saturday, dinner on Saturday, barbecue on Saturday, overnight stay, breakfast on Sunday) = 2×100 PLN + 55 (barbecue) PLN = 255 PLN/person.
6th option F, Friday/Saturday/Sunday with barbecue on Saturday, includes dinner on Friday evening, breakfast on Saturday evening, dinner on Saturday evening, barbecue on Saturday evening, breakfast on Sunday evening +45 PLN additional dinner on Sunday evening) =2× 100 PLN + 55 (barbecue) PLN = 255 PLN+45 PLN (additional dinner on Sunday evening) = 300 PLN/person
Participants of the congress who do not use accommodation can order meals in the AGAL restaurant.
Barbecue on Saturday – 55 PLN.
Registration forms and payment information, indicating the duration of stay and the number of persons concerned, should be sent to the e-mail address of the organizer sp6gwb@netgate.com.pl , who handles administrative matters, allocation of rooms, blocks, etc.
Payment must be made to the AGAL Hotel account !
Transfer details:
AGAL S.C. Zieleniec 50, 57–340 Duszniki-Zdrój
Account number for payments in PLN 33 1090 2327 0000 0005 9401 5385 Santander Bank O/Kladsko
Transfers from abroad in EUR: IBAN: PL 54 1090 2327 0000 0001 2225 9581 SWIFT: WBKPPLPP Santander Bank O/Kłodzko
Payment name: PK-UKF payment <number of persons> <number of children>
Deadline for submission of applications and payment: 30.07.2021.
If you are interested in visiting the QTH of the Kłodzko EME group, please send the following information to: sp6gwb@netgate.com.pl This will enable proper transport planning from Zieleniec.
PK UKF team